Title: Is it stealing if no one knows? Characters: Hook Rating: Teen T-Series: Generation 1, pre-earth fall Summary: Disposing of the dead is a task no one wants to contemplate - some mechs take advantage of the opportunity to find hard-to-repair parts. Prompt #1 An unsolved mystery
TITLE: Rushed plans RATING: K SERIES: Generation 1 CHARACTERS: Skywarp SUMMARY: Rushing to fill a previously unseen lack can lead to interesting partnerships PROMPT: #1 Scenario: preparing to entertain a large number of people
TITLE: Speak Up RATING: K+ CHARACTER: Megatron, Shockwave UNIVERSE: Any. (g1 / prime) SUMMARY: Remaining silent in the midst of evil can be the worst decision PROMPT #1, Last Chance to speak up before a pivotal moment ( Speak Up )
Title: Monster Prompt: Written for tf_speedwriting. Prompt: #2 “Underneath a bed” (in this case a berth) Continuity: G1 Characters: Breakdown, Motormaster, Hook Rating: PG Content and Warnings: Insinuations of violence, otherwise only the demons in Breakdown’s mind.
Summary: Breakdown sees a large human mining device that blows his mind. It think its something
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Title: Pre-battle Jitters Rating: PG Continuity: G1 Movie Prompt: "An Unwilling Hero" Characters: Scrapper, Hook, Scavenger. Words: 961 Content and Warnings: Potential drug use; and those upset by the canon deaths in the G1 movie may feel it best to avoid this fic along with any other reminders of that fateful day.
Title: Anything you can do I can do better Continuity: G1 after Season 2 Prompt: Therapy Characters: Hook, Scavenger Rating: PG Words: 1175 Content and Warnings: Appalling psychotherapy, crack, fluff
Summary: Determined to be as good as First Aid at everything First Aid does, Hook starts counseling sessions with his team. The first one doesn't exactly go
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Title: Deadly Profits Prompt: #9 Dead Bodies Continuity: G1/Aliens Crossover Characters: Hook and Swindle Rating: PG Content and Warnings: Aliens, Medical dissection, talk of deaths and violence, deaths of unknown humans.